Email Solutions

Why you need a custom email address

Having a custom email address gives your business credibility and shows you have a well-established company. Customers look for some legitimacy before deciding to work with a business. So, if you’re looking to brand your business as legitimate and professional, you should use a professional email address. Company branding ensures potential customers understand your brand and makes you look professional.

Just like you’d have a custom URL for your website rather than something like, you also need a professional email address to provide consistent branding. A study showed 75% of  e-commerce customers believe domain-based email addresses are crucial to creating trust with small businesses.

Some more reasons for getting a customized email address include:

@Gmail or @Yahoo may look “unprofessional” 

Using free email addresses detracts from the value you want to offer your customers. For example, if you were thinking about spending a fair amount of money with a company, which salesperson email would you feel more confident in:  — or — An email address with at the end ensures potential customers get a good impression of your brand.

You’re already paying for a personalized email hosting service

If you’ve purchased a domain name for your website, you can use that domain for your email addresses as well.

You can standardize email addresses with personalized email hosting

This is especially important as you grow your staff. You can use the same format for every other email address when you have a domain email address.

For example, you can use or first[initial] That provides consistency in your business, and customers can easily remember the formula for your company email addresses.

A branded email does marketing for you

If you use a domain-based email address, you’re getting your brand in front of more eyeballs. When your branded email address appears in each employee’s email signature, business cards and social media accounts, it will be an opportunity to attract new business.

You can create as many emails as you want

Even if you’re a one-person operation, you can create a new email address for different aliases such as sales, customer service. And it’s more efficient to have separate emails for different business functions as well. If you hire for those roles one day, you can simply assign those email addresses to other employees.

When someone leaves your company, you keep control

What happens when your marketing manager leaves, taking their email with them? If they were using it to conduct business for your organization, you wouldn’t be able to access those emails. On the other hand, if you set up an account under the person’s name, you can redirect those emails to your newly hired marketing manager.

Final Thoughts

First impressions are everything, and how potential customers see you will determine how successful your brand will be. Not only does a custom email address deliver a level of professionalism, but it also empowers your users to receive and send emails consistent with your brand. If you already have a custom domain and are paying for hosting, you can use that domain for your email addresses.

While there are multiple options for creating personalized email addresses, Hynex Technologies offers one of the best web hosting services, including emails. Contact us and choose your plan to get started today.

Service Features

  • Unlimited Email Storage

  • Unlimited Emails

  • 99.99% Uptime

  • Full Antivirus Protection

  • POP & IMAP Connectivity

  • Anti-Spam

  • Web Interface Access

  • 24/7 Support

How We Do It

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